Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Getting to the Gym

Now that its getting to be winter I know a lot of us would like to start going, or get back to the gym. After it gets cold and you cant be outside and active as much, I feel like the best thing you can do is keep active by going to the gym. Of course there are two different types of exercise routines you can do there, anaerobic, or weight training, and aerobic, or cardio. Here are two simple routines for beginners that would like to start up either one.

Weight training is defined as a type of strength training for developing the strength and size of skeletal muscles. A basic 3 day a week total body weight training routine consists of:

  • 75 Degree Incline DB Bench Press
  • DB Bench Press
  • One Arm Rows
  • DB Pullovers
  • Bent Over Lateral Raises
  • DB Upright Rows
  • Dumbbell Curls
  • Overhead Triceps Extensions
  • Leg Extensions
  • DB Squats
  • DB Lunges (Press with heels)
  • Lying Leg Curls Calf Raises

This is a fairly simple routine that you could do with one days rest in between, like on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday for example. The other type of exercise most frequently done at the gym is aerobic exercise, better known as cardio. Here is a simple beginners routine for cardio.

  • Choose an activity that you actually enjoy. The best exercise for you is one that you'll actually do, not one you think you should do. Walking is a great place to start, but you can try any activity that involves some type of continuous movement like cycling, swimming (if your gym has a pool), running, rowing, stairclimbing, etc.
  • Start with 2 or 3 days of your chosen activity a week with a rest day between workouts.
  • Begin with a 5-10 minute warm up of light cardio to gradually increase heart rate.
  • Increase your pace and intensity to slightly harder than comfortable and go as long as you comfortably can. Begin where you are, not where you want to be. You may only be able to exercise for a few minutes at a time, but that will change if you're consistent.
  • End each workout with a cool down of light cardio and stretch the muscles you've worked to relax and keep your muscles flexible.
  • Each week, increase your workout time by a few minutes until you can work continuously for 30 minutes a session.
  • Don't worry about distance or pace. For the first few weeks, focus on showing up for your workouts and building time. You have plenty of time to work on your speed and distance.
  • After 4-6 weeks, change your routine by adding another day of exercise, increasing your pace/intensity, adding a new activity and/or increasing the amount of time you exercise.

These are two simple exercise routines that you can use to get yourself going at the gym. Now all you have to do is actually get up and do it.


Nicolle Banas said...

This is such a positive and realistic blog. So many people find it hard to get the motivation they need to go to the gym, since it's too cold and miserable outside to be outdoors. I like how you specified examples of strength training and cardio anyone can do. This blog was a basic how-to for anyone who needs motivation for the gym. It's great because it can keep going to the gym interesting by varying your workout too!

James Brusard said...

This is a relevant topic that can and should be related to each and every person. In order to live a happy, healthful life, exercise (along with healthy eating habits) is a crucial component to overall health. For most people, getting to the gym is simply a matter of finding the motivation to do so whether it be for improved self-esteem, improved cardiovascular health and etcetera. Going to the gym or performing some form of physical activity should be seen not as a chore, but rather an investment in one's health. Your article was very straight-forward and easy to follow, good job.